Equity and environmentally sustainable development are at the heart of our vision of a better and healthier world; A world where every human being has a right to life with dignity, A world that respects and celebrates every life and diversity & one where the voice of its people guide the decisions that shape the quality of their lives.

Ekjut will work in the districts in India for the improvement of maternal, newborn, child health, nutrition, work with young people to create an enabling environment for their education, health, nutrition, mental health, promoting youth leadership and work towards addressing mental health care gaps for our partnering underserved, marginalized communities through their empowerment, community based interventions and influence good governance for improving access and quality of services. This will be done through collaborating with leading agencies for building our research capacities to strengthen evidence base, dissemination of findings, engagement with government and networks and supporting scaling up of effective interventions.

Empowerment, Equity, Excellence, Transparency.

Ekjut’s Objective
To work with the underprivileged, discriminated and marginalized people, such as those belonging to the tribal population, dalits, children, women, disabled, urban poor, calamity-stricken communities, aged people, people with HIV/AIDS, poor, and people with drug addiction. To contribute towards building up of a society which promotes equity and inclusiveness. To contribute towards building capacity for empowering the communities to enable them to secure a life of dignity and quality. To influence the policies and practices of the government in favor of the identified groups and secure justice and rights to the community as mentioned in the constitution. To promote support and develop partnership with individuals, organizations and communities for promotion of similar objectives. To promote appropriate technologies for preservation of natural resources primarily for the benefit of the identified group. To accept donations, sponsorships from individuals, societies, associations, corporate bodies, state or central government for achieving the objective. To support individuals and associations that are working towards the achievement of similar goals. To subscribe to becoming a member of or otherwise co-operate with any other associations, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of society. To mobilize individual skills. In furtherance of the above-mentioned objective activities will include socioeconomic programs, health, education, food security and environment related initiatives. Research, documentation and dissemination will be to promote good practices and influence governance.

Guiding Principles
Work will always be with participation of concerned communities, staring from identification of issues to evaluation of work. Respect peoples Knowledge systems and abilities, Ensuring community accountability and transparency, Belief that women should have more than an equal share/say, Recognition that the state has the primary responsibility for ensuring equity and justice to all & Strengthening democratic practices.

Reaching Out
Women, Children, Adolescents, Tribal population & marginalized communities living alongside them in rural and urban settings, urban homeless